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Bump On Foot


Painful Bunion

A bunion is a misalignment of the bones in the big toe. This increased angle from the bones can cause a bump on the side or top of the big toe joint. There are however several treatment methods that will slow down or stop the bunion from increasing in size. A painful bunion can be treated conservatively, but often requires surgical intervention.


Soft Tissue Mass

A bump that isn’t caused by bones that shows up on the foot is called a soft tissue mass. While usually benign, they can still be painful. To determine if they are malignant (cancerous), a biopsy or removal should be performed.


Bone Spur

A bone spur can occur anywhere on the foot, and may form a visible bump. Bone spurs occur from muscles pulling on bone or from bone rubbing on bone. Bone spurs can be removed surgically, or offloaded with conservative treatment.


Bump on Top of Foot

If a bump is noticed on the top of the foot, it may be due to a bone spur, cyst, gout, soft tissue mass, hammertoes, bursitis, injured tendon, or injured nerve. An X-ray, MRI, or possible surgical intervention can be used to diagnose and determine what is causing the bump.


Bump on Foot Bottom

A bump on the bottom of the foot can have a variety of causes also. It can be due to an inclusion cyst, plantar fibroma, soft tissue mass, callus, corn, or a wart. An X-ray, MRI, or possible surgical intervention can be used to diagnose and determine what is causing the bump.


Ryan Goldfine, DPM Dr. Ryan Goldfine is a board certified foot and ankle surgeon. He is a Marietta Podiatrist.

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