Foot Warts? Visit a Marietta Podiatrist Near You!
What is a Plantar Wart?
A plantar wart is caused by a small nick in the skin, which allows viaral particle to enter the skin. Once the viral particles star to proliferate (grow) in your foot, they cause a growth or a lesion. When they are located on the plantar aspect (bottom of the foot), they can coomonly cause pain. Warts are caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV), and can occur anywhere on the body. Podiatrists and Foot Doctors see many plantar warts in their offices.
How Do I Diagnost a Plantar Wart?
It might be difficult to make a proper diagnosis at home, but some common signs are:
- Pain to palpation of the foot lesion
- Pain when squeezing the wart
- Pinpoint bleeding dots in the wart
- A mosaic pattern
- Thickening of the skin (callus)
What is a Good Treatment for Plantar Warts?
There is almost too much information out there on plantar warts treament. While there are many treatment options that are suggested, not all of them have been studied. Your Podiatrist will help diagnose and treat your plantar wart. It is important to know what your are treating on your foot.
Some Podiatrist treatment options might include:
- Debridement with application of a frrexing agent (cryotherapy)
- Debridement with laser use to the foot lesion
- Debridement with application of salicylic acid to the foot lesion
- Debridement with application of Cantharone
- Debridement with application of fluorouracil
- Foot surgery
- Oral medication
- A biopsy of the growth on the foot
Please give our Podiatrists (Foot Doctors) a call!