Elective Foot and Ankle Surgery
Elective surgery can be defined as an operation that is scheduled and performed in advance (possibly to prevent future emergency/urgent surgery). It may be done for medical reasons (to help relieve pain and discomfort) or cosmetic reasons.
Asking The Important Questions: Foot and Ankle Surgery
Your doctor has recommended that you have an elective procedure. It is vitally important to obtain all information regarding your procedure before you decide to proceed with surgery. You should ask your doctor to explain the surgical procedure, the recovery, the benefits/risks to consider. Ask him/her to inform you if there are any conservative treatment alternatives, and what could happen if you decide to do nothing. Your doctor should advise you if anesthesia will be used, if the procedure will be done as inpatient or outpatient, and the surgery location. You also want to know what your out of pocket cost would be for your foot or ankle surgery. Obtaining good information may reduce the chance of any pre-operative and post-operative issues.
Elective Foot and Ankle Surgery: Preoperative Period
Ensuring safe, high-quality, high-value care to patients is the number one goal. Before patients are schedule for elective surgery, the following may be considered:
* Schedule Pre-op appointment with your doctor
* Complete the necessary surgery documents
* Primary Care Physician medical clearance (if needed)
* Time and date, location, and address of surgery facility
* Cost of Surgery
Elective Foot and Ankle Surgery: Postoperative Period
It is extremely important that you follow your doctor’s instructions after you have undergone elective surgery. Appropriate follow-up care can help minimize your risk of complications and support your recovery process.
Some vital points to remember:
* Take medication as prescribed
* Keep your follow-up appointments with your doctor
* Notify your doctor in the event of any complications
* Consult with your doctor before returning to your normal routine
There are multiple types of elective surgeries to be considered. Whichever route you choose, your goal should be to create a treatment plan in partnership with your physician. Knowledge and understanding of the surgery details, risks involved, and outcomes will be beneficial to you through the entire process.
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