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A Marietta Podiatrist’s Take on Sprained Ankle

Ankle sprain

It’s finally warming up outside! As the weather is getting nicer, we are all becoming more active. We’re going on hikes, playing sports, running, and increasing out walking. We usually see more ankle sprains in the warmer months, as everyone is more active.

While we encourage being as active as possible, it is also important to prevent sprains of the ankle ligaments. Wearing appropriate supportive shoes and inserts are paramount to preventing ankle sprains. A thorough ankle stretching and strengthening regimen is also important to preventing a rolled ankle or sprained foot.

We can take every precaution possible to prevent our ankles from being sprained, but sometimes, it just happens. Ankle injuries can happen to anyone! Seeking medical care from a podiatrist near you is important to evaluate a twisted ankle.

Our foot and ankle ligaments are in charge of keeping our joint together in the proper position, and a sprain or torn ligament can cause other problems. You may experience ankle pain, ankle swelling, ecchymosis, and a loose or rigid ankle. Resting, icing, elevating, and compression are key early treatments. Our podiatrists will perform a thorough evaluation that may include x-rays to make sure no ankle or foot bones have been fractures. Depending on the evaluation, an MRI might be ordered to further evaluate the degree of foot sprain or high ankle sprain.

Please don’t leave your ankle sprain untreated! Feel free to reach out to our office to see one of our wonderful doctors!

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